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How To Unlock iPhone 4 For Free By Online Generator Tool

Posted in Apple, How To, iPhone, News, Phone, Tools, Unlock8 years ago • Written by AdminNo Comments

How to unlock iPhone 4 for free by the generator? If you want to be able to use the monthly plans of any mobile network provided in your country and even abroad then you should be obviously looking for a SIM unlock iPhone solution.

This solution can be found online in the shape of a software application tool that can grant you the successful unlock such tool, for the users of iPhone 4 devices only, is the unlock iPhone 4 code generator.

How To Unlock iPhone 4 For Free

Using this tool you will be able to generate the SIM unlock iPhone 4 code for your iPhone 4 handset. Then you should enter the code and the SIM unlock iPhone will be completed. However, you should know that there is no standard option for entering this SIM unlock code in your mobile phone menu.

You will have to create this option on your own and the only way you can do this is to enter a SIM card from another carrier. That wat the SIM lock activation will react and you will be prompted to enter the SIM unlock iPhone 4 code so that the iPhone 4 may continue working normally.

Now you know how to unlock your iPhone 4! But the real question is how to generate the code with the generator? That is easy and I am sure that you will instantly get the grip of it once you read the instructions that come with the generator.

We have no more time to waste so let’s start immediately.

How To Unlock iPhone 4 For Free

How To Unlock iPhone 4 For Free With Online Generator

Grab your iPhone 4 handset and go to settings. Then, open the entry that says about iPhone 4. Scroll down until you find the IMEI code. Make a snapshot of the IMEI code or write it down on a piece of paper. You will need it later and you will need the correct combination of numbers that consist in this code.

Next, you can open your laptop and the internet browser you usually use. Open the unlock iPhone code generator page and click on the downloading link to start the download of the tool.

You will be notified when the short download is over. Then you will be able to start the regular installation operation.

Grab your USB cable and connect your iPhone 4 to the computer. Wait until the computer recognizes your iPhone 4 device and then click two times on the generator to open it.

When you do this you will notice several options. You should select the option that says unlock iPhone 4. A new window should immediately open and you can start entering the required details.


The first thing that you will notice is the requirement for the IMEI code. You already have the snapshot of the code so you can copy it from there or from the piece of paper if that’s where you saved it. You will notice that you will have no trouble using your iPhone 4 while it is connected to your computer and while the SIM IMEI unlock iPhone 4 procedure takes place.

The next details provided by you should include the email address! The name of the carrier. Then the country and of course the model of your iPhone 4. When you have done all this, just click on the unlock command. Then wait for the generator to process the details. Then will produce the unlock code for you.

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